You are a leader. An executive team. Or Family Business Owners. You have a unique purpose to express in the world. And you are engaged in that work. The world has shifted for you lately. You see differently. Think differently. Relate differently. And needing to be different. You are no longer the same person you were a year or so ago. You have been thinking about the nature of your work lately. Considering if this is the way and the place for you to continue living your purpose. You have been through a ton these past few years. The degree of uncertainty, complexity, and demand for your time and attention has skyrocketed. You cannot carry on like this. If you do, you will burn yourself out, harm the people around you, and likely lose sight of what matters most to you. It’s time to slow down, nourish your soul, and reconnect with your purpose.
The Next Direction Renewal Retreat Experience is an approach to growth and evolution that centers on self enquiry, clarity of purpose and connection with nature. This retreat experience is customized just for you. It is specifically tailored to your needs, harmoniously blends proven principles of leadership growth, evolution of consciousness and adult development. We open our doors to courageous individuals ready to step out of their comfort zone, welcoming the unknown, and unraveling the mystery of their inner and outer journeys. You’ll walk away with an invaluable shift in your outlook and a clearer sense of where to go next.